How to Join


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For Boys and their Parents

         We are pleased that you are considering joining Boy Scout Troop 61. It is our hope that you will find your time with Troop 61 a rewarding and, most of all, fun experience in which to continue or begin your Scouting adventure.

For more information, please send an email to the Committee Chairman if you have more questions, and would like to visit the troop. _______________________________________________________________                    We have an active program, attempting to camp one weekend out of each month and to schedule as many varied camping locations and experiences as possible throughout the year. There will be backpacking camp outs and longer hikes on some outings. We encourage attendance at as many activities as you can make. If you miss one camp out you may lose out on an advancement or merit badge opportunity that may not be offered again for some time. Some activities require that you have participated in prior events to gain the knowledge and skills to safely participant in the current activity. We are working toward our goal of Troop meetings that are planned by and for the Scouts, not adult leaders. This is your Troop and your responsibility to run it as you feel will allow all of you to meet and exceed the scouting ideals. A Patrol Leader's Council (PLC) made up of Scouts takes the lead in planning and executing our Troop program under the guidance of the Scoutmaster. These boy leaders are elected by their peers. We want our parents to be active as well! We have a variety of areas in which we need and would appreciate their participation. We have a Troop Committee made up of parents and other adults that meets monthly to discuss and finalize plans for scouting events, camp outs, facilitate transportation and fund raising necessary to help our troop go and support the plans made by the Patrol Leader's Council. All parents are invited to join the Troop Committee. We encourage parents to consider a role in which they can best use their talents and skills (i.e., Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fund raising, Advancement, Activities Chairs, Transportation, Merit Badge Counselors, or as an assistant to one of these positions). We have found that in most cases the Scouts who have parents who take an active role in the Troop's leadership are the Scouts who make a strong commitment to and get the most of their Scouting experience. Parents, do you feel you don't know what to do, do you feel at a loss as to how you can help? There are training classes to get you started from Fast Start, to Scoutmaster Fundamentals, to more advanced (Woodbadge) training. All of the current adults started out where you are--so just jump right up and ask the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair how you can help. Filling out the Troop Resource Survey is a good place to start. Parents--Shhhh-don't tell the scouts, but sometimes we have as much or more fun than the scouts do.

Joining Requirements:

         To become a Scout you must be a boy who has completed the 5th grade, or has earned the Arrow of Light Award, or be 11 years old, but not yet 18. At your first troop meeting, your Scoutmaster will explain the joining requirements of the Boy Scouts of America.

Attend 3 Meetings:

         We would like you to attend 3 of our weekly Troop meetings before you make a final decision. This isn't mandatory, but we think this will give you a better picture of our troop. If you like what you see, we will be delighted to welcome you.

Complete an Application:

         Get a Boy Scout Membership Application from the Comittee Chairman or Scoutmaster and have your parent or guardian sign the application. The Scoutmaster will then give you the temporary certificate of membership.

Complete a Medical Form:

         Before you can go camping with us you must obtain a Medical Form from the Scoutmaster and have it completed by your parents and your doctor. Any special medical problems should also be brought to the Scoutmaster's attention.

Dues and Additional costs:

         Our Troop dues are $60.00 per year, less if you join part way through the year. If for some reason you cannot afford it, speak privately to the Scoutmaster - perhaps we can find a way to help. Adult membership is $ 45.00. The dues are due in December of each year and may be paid as a lump sum or in installments. Also, when you join, it will cost you for a uniform shirt, pants or shorts, socks, belt, neckerchief slide and certain uniform parts. Numbers 6 and 1 patches, 75 year strip, and a troop 61 T-shirt is needed when a "Class B" uniform is requested. This is used to help keep the dress shirt from being damaged or soiled while doing certain activities. They are approximately $10.00 each. When we go camping you will need to help with your share of food expenses, and sometimes there are other odd fees, gas for transportation, snack money, etc. Also your Patrol may collect dues for its own needs. If you decide to go to summer camp with the troop, there is an additional charge for camp and the transportation to and from the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. That cost is approximately $335.00. This pays for the summer camp registration and bus transportation to and from Camp. You can earn money to pay your way to camp in a number of ways. See the Message page for details on selling trash bags. Again, if for some reason you cannot afford it, speak privately to the Scoutmaster - perhaps we can find a way to help.

Earning the Scout Badge:

          There are several requirements that need to be completed before you obtain the first rank of Scout. For your convenience, those requirements are listed under the Rank Requirements page.



 Updated 10/21/09 - 3:52pm

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