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Dictionary of Scouting Terms  



Adult Camp Leaders







Camp requires involvement of adult leaders. The adult leader who holds one or more of the following positions has priority as a full-time camp leader:

               Scout Master
               Assistant Scout Masters                  

All adult leaders must complete Youth Protection and Fast Start Training. The Troop reserves the right to limit the number of full-time adult leaders. This is due to space limitations and food requirements.

Part-time camp leaders may participate in camp provided that each adult completes Youth Protection Training. The number of part-time adult leaders may be limited due to space limitation and food requirements. The following positions have priority as a part-time camp leader:

                 Chartered Organizational Representative                      Troop Committee Chairman

Other part-time leader positions at camp will be filled on a first come-first-serve basis.    

It is recommended that all adult leaders complete Leadership Training


Earning badges and “advancing in rank” in scouts

Bartle Scout Reservation

Boy Scout Camp located in Osceola, MO, about 120 miles southeast of KC. The Troop goes as a group usually during the month of June or July. Check for dates on the Troop’s website www.kctroop61.org

H. Roe Bartle

H. Roe Bartle refers to the Bartle Scout Reservation (camp). H. Roe Bartle was a former mayor of Kansas City, Missouri and a scouting leader who founded the camp. Mr. Bartle began the Tribe of Mic-o-say and was its first Chieftain.

Health Forms

Each Scout and Adult Leader must complete the required Health Forms prior to attending camp or any Scouting high adventure.

Camp Naish 

Boy Scout Camp near Edwardsville, Kansas which is used by troops registered in Kansas, by Cub Scouts and for special events.



The Troop participates in monthly campouts during the year.

Typically, the campout begins Friday night and ends Sunday morning. A minimum of four adult leaders is required. The adult leaders must be Youth Protection Trained.

Congregation Beth Shalom

Is the Troop’s sponsoring organization by which we have our charter. A liaison between the Congregation and the Troop is called the Chartered Organizational Representative. This individual attends the Committee Meetings as well as the Troop meetings and campouts. The sponsoring organization provides the meeting place, storage space and kosher meals at camp.

Court of Honor          

A ceremony of recognition for the scouts at which badges and rank pins are rewarded. Often, an Eagle Court of Honor is conducted on the same night.

Double H Ranch       

A new high adventure back-packing experience located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Eagle Court of Honor

After a Scout has fulfilled all of the requirements of Eagle Scout; badges, rank project, approval, paperwork, he is recognized in a special ceremony, usually with an invited speaker. The Troop has established an Eagle Court Coordinator to assist with the planning of a Scout’s Eagle Court ceremony.

Heart of America Council           

Encompasses 13-14 counties in Kansas and Missouri.


Once every four years a National Boy Scout Jamboree is held near Washington D.C. This is a unique experience allowing the Scouts to meet other Scouts from all over the country.

Jewish Committee on Scouting

Is a committee interested in the needs and desires of all Jewish boys in Scouting. It also provides financial assistance to Scouts for special programs (e.g. Jamboree) and to Troops.

Klondike Derby

Is a winter regional event in which the scouts go on dogsleds and stop and different “stations” to complete various projects .

Merit Badge Marathon

Scouts sign up for particular badges in advance and complete certain requirements ahead of time. At this event, merit badge counselors teach and sign off scouts for the various badges.

Ner Tamid     

All scouts are encouraged to earn the award for their religion. Ner Tamid is the religious award for Jewish Scouts.

Trailhead District

Troop 61 is part of this geographical district which is in the Heart of America Council


A high adventure back-packing experience located in Cimarron, New Mexico.

Quality Unit    

Scouts earn the right to have a Quality Unit patch on their uniforms if certain requirements of the Troop are met.


A Scout advances through Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle by earning badges, passing board review and fulfilling other requirements. See the Boy Scout Handbook for details.

Round Table

A meeting that is held on the first Thursday of every month where important information is given about council events and camp. The meeting place is located at 7:30 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 53rd and Oak Street, Kansas City, Missouri.

Scout Camp Leaders

At camp, the Scouts follow the patrol method of leadership. All Scout positions held during the year (such as Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leaders, Patrol Leader, etc.) will remain during the camp session. There will also be camp specific positions assigned.


Sharing Native American Ways Seminar- which is an area-wide event in which the Scouts complete badge requirements.

Santa Fe Trails District

Another district in the Heart of America Council.

Scout Law      .

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent

Scout Oath    

See Scout Handbook.         

Scout Shabbat

A yearly event that takes place at various synagogues. Scouts participate in the service and are recognized for earning their religious awards (Nar Tamid).

Trash Bags   

Fund raiser. May not be sold in uniform. The Scouts earn $1.50 per roll which may be used towards camp fees. The bags sell for $7.50 per roll (30 per roll/10 per case).

Tribe of Mic-o-say

Is an honorary camping society with over 60,000 members. Scouts must attend H. Roe Bartle Scout Camp to become part of theTribe. Foxman, Brave, Warrior are some roles related to the Tribe. Adults who attend camp may become eligible. The rest of the information “you will know when you know”.

Troop Committee     

Parents and leaders in the Troop (including the Chartered Organizational Representative) attend these regular meetings to establish Troop policy, make reports and disseminate information. Parents are encouraged to attend.

Turkey Hike   

A hike/turkey feast traditionally held during the month of November. The older Scouts set-up the event the Friday night before the feast and the younger Scouts join the event on Saturday. The Saturday event includes honey basted and fried turkeys. Prospective new Scouts and all parents are invited to attend the Saturday events.

Two-Deep Leadership

The policy that requires that at least two adult leaders be present during Scouting activities for the protection of all.

February 2003 Camping tip of the Month 
by Ole-timer Jay Reed / Pioneer Trails District

Cold Weather Hazards

Cold weather camping has many dangers. I think the most dangerous is hypothermia and frost bite.

Hypothermia- The number one cause of death in the out of doors develops when the body’s heat production can’t keep up with heat lost. This sounds straight forward enough, but there is more to hypothermia than just getting cold. For one thing, the condition doesn’t just chill the body; it also numbs the mind, impairing the ability to recognize that a problem exists. Even the most experienced outdoorsman can suddenly find himself lacking the sense to come in out of the rain.

Worse yet, hundreds die from hypothermia because of a misconception that it’s strictly a dead of winter condition. People enjoying the great outdoors have been surprised by a brisk autumn breeze and have “frozen to death” with the thermometer hovering at 50 degrees F. Boaters tossed into a 70 degree water have died. At seemingly harmless temperatures the process can take hours, so you may not realize what’s happening. That’s why hypothermia could be considered the trickster fox outdoor illness.

Metabolically speaking, you’re a fine tuned machine that functions best when you’re 98.6 degrees F within. A drop of even a few degrees in your internal or “core” temperature and your body shifts gears. Blood flow to your extremities decreases. You feel cold. Your muscles try to generate heat, which causes you to shiver.

So far so good. But these normal defenses are easily over run by external conditions, like a sudden rainstorm or a freshen breeze, or by internal ones-lack of food or heat loss while resting, for example. Your core temperature drops, and moderate hypothermia sets in. shivering becomes uncontrollable and you might shuffle or stumble. You may slur your words since the control of finer muscles goes first and you may act confused. Your brain is getting chilled and if unchecked, your condition will worsen.

Severe hypothermia sets in as your core temperature approaches the range between 90 degrees F and 95 degrees F. Some victims suffer amnesia; others feel strangely warm and strip clothing. Collapse, coma and death by heart failure follow.

But hypothermia is so easily prevented; no one should die from it. Keep the machine running smoothly with high-energy foods (complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and plenty of water (at least 5 quarts a day). Put on layers of clothing BEFORE you get cold or wet, since wet clothes accelerate heat loss five fold and cold water immersion can speed it up by up to 25 times normal. If your feet are cold, simply put on a hat because up to 50 percent of your body’s heat loss is from your head.

If the condition is mild, normal body temperature should return quickly. Try to slowly consume warm foods or liquids. After a while, try mild exercise – something simple, like stepping on and off a rock or log- to build body heat. If you’re treating someone, make sure they don’t wander off.

Moderate to sever hypothermia is more complex problem. Treatment is critical but hardly follows common sense. If outside rescue is possible, end the exposure with shelter or dry clothes, and do nothing. That’s right; do NOT try to rewarm the victim. Don’t walk him around; don’t rub his hands or feet. Chances are, best intentions notwithstanding, you’ll kill him. The reason is the after drop. By now, the blood pooled in the extremities is well chilled. It has also turned acidic. Promoting circulation causes that blood to flow back to the body core, further chilling the heart and subjecting it to an acid bath flow few can survive.

That’s not all. A cold heart is a sensitive heart. Jostling and pulling someone can trigger fibrillation. Instead of pumping, the heart quivers ineffectively. Gentle handling, such as cutting away instead of pulling off wet clothes, is crucial. Furthermore, when a body is deeply hypothermic, it’s in what’s known as a metabolic icebox. Breathing, pulse, and heartbeat have slowed so much that they appear absent. The victim seems dead. But a person can survive in this state for hours without permanent damage. History is full of seemingly frozen people who were assumed dead, only to recover upon rewarming. Hence, the somewhat morbid maxim “No one’s dead until warm and dead.” If evacuation isn’t possible or it is likely to take more than four to six hours, treatment must be initiated carefully. Rewarm the body core, not the extremities.

But the simple fact remains. Despite the best efforts, sever hypothermia is not effectively treatable in the field, and the best defense is prevention. Common sense and good intentions are fine but are no substitute for an informed approach and good judgment.

Frostbite Hard frozen body parts should be wrapped in dry, insulating material (a wool sweater, long johns and so on) until the person can get to the hospital. Soft pliable frozen parts should be rewarmed only with gentle, skin-to-skin contact. No fires or hot stoves or brisk rubbing. Once thawed, frostbitten extremities should be wrapped to prevent refreezing.

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On going Reminder

Scouts and Parents: . . With the onset of winter and the falling leaves, each scout in Troop 61 (not excluding parents and leaders) has a great opportunity to enrich the troop treasury, as well as earning credit toward Scout Camp, Scout Jamboree, hikes or Scouting equipment. . We are well into our 22nd year selling Grass/Trash Bags year 'round. These terrific green bags are 2 mill thick, have a 44 gallon capacity, and come on a roll of 30 for $7.50 or $.25 each. These bags are far superior to national name brands selling in the stores for 10/$2.00, are 1.5 mill thick, and have a 33 to 39 gallon capacity. Your local hardware stores and other organizations are selling a comparable bag, 2 mill thick, 39-gallon capacity at 25 for $6.00 to $6,50 or $.24 to $.26 cents each. For each roll sold, A Scout earns $1.50 credit and Troop 61 receives $1.00. These bags sell themselves. With each roll sold, if you leave your name and telephone number, you can expect a reorder call in a few weeks. Sell a case of 10 and earn $15.00. . If you have already sold neighbors, it's time to canvass other nearby neighborhoods. However, if your neighbors are using yellow bags, you've missed a sale!! . . Please call Al Beitchman at (913) 685-4329 and tell him you need a case!!!

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