Troop 61 Centennial Quality Award Troop 61 has a long history of 'going the extra mile'. The result of this steadfast commitment to the quality of our scouting program and of the unending spirit of our scouts and our leaders has been the receipt of numerous Quality Unit Awards. The troop is currently committed to earning the 2008 Centennial Quality Award. The goals set for 2008 are listed below.
1. We will have 50 percent of our direct contact leaders complete Basic Leader Training and Youth Protection Training. 2. We will provide excellent programs to achieve our goal of 70 percent youth retention, recharter on time, and will recruit 5 new members. 3. In the spirit of the National Parent Initiative, we will recruit 2 new parents/adults to assist in our unit program. 4. We will have 50 percent of our youth earn advancement awards. 5. We will have 70 percent of our youth participate in at least 12 outdoor experiences or group activities during the year. 6. We will conduct annual program planning and will provide the financial resources to deliver a quality program to all members.