2005  Page 1         "Inbetween activities"

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Alex L. prepares for his next merit badge class

Ben T. works on a soldering project during his Electronics Merit Badge class

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Several Scouts attended the Pioneer Trails Merit Badge Academy in Janurary of 2005. Scouts could earn as many as 5 merit badges in one day.

Joshua M. listens in to a lecture on Atomic Energy Merit Badge class.

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Several of Troop 61 Scouts and Scouters attended an introduction to SCUBA. This is the begining of certification process for those that will be going on the Dive trip this summer.

"You have to breath and not hold your breath"

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How to find your mouth piece and regulator

Is this cool or what?

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Three Assistant Scout Masters spend two weekends attending Wood badge training in Columbia, Missouri. Wood badge is 

Wood Badge is advanced training in leadership development. There are two parts to Wood Badge training: learn the material in six days on course, and then practice the leadership skills in your Scouting position. This combination of hands-on, direct experience and application of leadership skills is incredibly effective. Wood Badge has served as a source of training and inspiration to thousands of Scouters, who, in their turn have affected the lives of millions of America's youth. Most participants also discover ways to not only to use the leadership skills in their Scouting positions but also to better their personal lives.

For six days in two 3-day weekends, you live, learn, and work with other Scouters, while being exposed to the leadership skills applicable to the development of both Scouters and Scouts. Through this living and working experience, you develop knowledge and practical understanding of these leadership skills. You will clarify what you want to accomplish in your Scouting position, and learn how to apply these skills to your Pack, Troop, Crew, Team, Ship, District or Council

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The troop took advantage of the Cub pack's cross overs and an invitation went out to those boys and parents that might be interested in joining our troop. 

There were over 8 new recruit / prospective members that joined us at the Incredebowl. The evening's games were divided into bowling, minature indoor golf and Lazer tag.

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Everyone had a great time. Even the adults took a lane for some competive bowling action.

The red team and the blue team gets ready to enter the Lazer tag room. The room was lit with black lights and floresent paint. 


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